Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19

Graduation marked the official closing out of my first year here as owner of Pine Knoll.

Phew. Let's all stop and take one biiiiig breath before going any further. 

One year of seeing that God is faithful.

One year of beautiful new beginnings. 

One year of laughing until we've cried.

One year of navigating through the red tape.

One year of showing up and refusing to quit.

One year of learning through the hard moments.

One year of feeling the fear and doing it anyway.

One year of developing the strength to stand firm.

One year of holding little hands and walking forward.

One year of choosing to stand even when it was hard.

One year of knowing that, for such a time as this, we are here.

One year of watching God do immeasurably more in our midst.

One year of coming together, as a family, for a greater purpose.

One year of taking steps to impact this community for the glory of God.

So, now lets take a little further back to where this all began. Or, at least, from our perspective where it all began. Being that I have lived in Lee Road for half of my life, had gone to church at New Zion for my high school years, and attended schools in the area since middle school I knew of Pine Knoll. I had even come in once with a friend who was applying for a job opening here. Did I ever imagine that I would work here or even come to own it one day? Not a chance. In fact, I said I would never teach. (Side note: Never say never. Just don't do it.) After graduating in 2010 my plans were to attend SLU, major in FCS; Family Studies and then go to seminary to get a Master's in Christian Counseling. I was convinced as convinced could be that this was God's plan for my future.

But God..... those two words change every thing.

God had a different plan in mind that He had prepared the way for since before time began. In March of 2013 a job opportunity opened up at Pine Knoll, a friend texted me about it, and I came in to apply the next day. On April 1 of that year I started working here. I thought it was a temporary thing before returning back to school to finish my degree so I could move on with MY plan for my life. I was wrong. Fast forward a bit to March of 2016 when Ms. Heidi approached me about her upcoming retirement and said that she wanted me to buy the school. Um, what? She had joked about it before but never once did I believe that she was serious. I certainly didn't believe it was going to happen because I still had the plan in my head that I was going to accomplish - no matter what. I was am just a little hard headed. Deep down I knew though that this wasn't just coincidence when I stopped long enough to be still and ignore my plan. So, I took two weeks to pray and seek the Lord on it before giving my answer to Ms. Heidi. Throughout those days it became very clear, despite the fear, uncertainty, and doubt, that this was indeed what God had for me to do.

Did I know what to expect? Absolutely not! But God did.

Did I believe I was enough for the position? Not for a second. But God is.

Was I more afraid than I'd ever been before? No doubt. But God made me brave.

Was it a part of the perfect little plan I had in mind? Not even close. But God's plans are bigger.

On May 4, 2016 this journey officially began for me and there are not enough words in the English language to describe what the last year has meant to, and for, me. I could write for the rest of my days and it still would not begin to cover or convey all that God has done, shown me, and redeemed in the last 365+ days here. There have been days where I wanted to quit, but I didn't. There have been many days where I have doubted myself and my abilities, but I persevered in His strength. There have been many moments where God had to intervene and do what only He could do. There have been many moments that fear was bigger than my faith, but those moments brought growth. BUT. There have been countless more moments where God has blown us away with His faithfulness, where God used His people to fight, in prayer, for this school and shown us where the victory is, and many other things that have happened that cannot be explained except that God did exceedingly and abundantly more than we could've asked, imagined, or hoped for.

I will never be able to express my gratitude for the past year and all that God has done in our midst. I wouldn't trade any of it, even the most difficult of moments, because it was in those moments that God showed Himself most faithful in our lives. I believe that God is up to more in these days than we could ever begin to understand even if we were told and I cannot wait to see how God uses what happens here, in each of our lives, to change this community for His glory and for our good. Even the most difficult of moments, the things that people mean for evil, He can and does, turn around for good. We have seen that firsthand over the last year and since He has been faithful to do it now He will be faithful to do it again. It's who He is.

This saying is trustworthy, for:

If we have died with Him, we will also live with Him;

If we endure, we will also reign with Him;

If we deny Him, He will also deny us;

BUT, If we are faithless, He remains faithful -

For He cannot deny Himself.

2 Timothy 2:11-13

Here’s to the next 365 days of going out into the deeper waters of this life with the Lord.

 Until next time,
Love wins,
Miss Megan


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